The Snuggle Is Real

The snuggle is real. At least, that’s what my son’s diapers say. “The snuggle is real.” Does it look like something is misspelled? We’re used to seeing, “The struggle is real.” That’s absolutely true. I’m sure you could list off all sorts of struggles in your life right now. The heartache and pain of this sin-filled world surround us every single day. Life’s struggles cloud our minds and weigh down our hearts.

But Luv’s diapers are on to something: “The snuggle is real” too. Here’s God’s promise: “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27). There is something wrapped around you at all times that’s so much better than a toddler’s diaper—the arms of our everlasting God. No struggle in life can pull you away from God’s forgiveness, God’s love, and God’s presence in your life. God’s snuggle is real! No matter what struggle you face today, remember that underneath you are the everlasting arms of the Almighty God, and he’s never going to let you go. The snuggle is real!

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