God’s Piggyback Ride

For a short window of time, a child gets a special treat: Piggyback rides! Remember those? Every kid loves piggyback rides. From their parents’ shoulders, they get to see the world from on high, feel extra safe, and rest their little legs. Nothing makes a child feel special like a piggyback ride from mom or dad.

But you don’t get piggyback rides for long. Soon you grow too big for your parents to carry you. For the rest of your life, you have to navigate life on your own two feet. Aren’t there days when you wish you could go back? When you wish you could rest on mom or dad’s shoulders again?

Then listen to God’s invitation: “Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders” (Deuteronomy 33:12). Those words were spoken to the tribe of Benjamin in ancient Israel. They lived in the mountains, like they were resting securely on someone’s shoulders. But those mountains didn’t provide their security. The LORD did!

Just like he does for you. You are never too big to ride on God’s shoulders. He’s strong enough to carry you, even with all your baggage and sins and worries and fears. Jesus gives forgiveness and strength. God your Father loves to swing you up on his shoulders and carry you. “The one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.” It’s God’s life-long piggyback ride.

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