My Witnesses

It seems like one of the dumbest questions in the history of the world. Jesus’ disciples had just spent three entire years with Jesus. They had heard countless sermons, seen unbelievable miracles, and—most importantly—watched Jesus suffer, die, and rise to forgive the sins of the world. And yet, right as Jesus was about to ascend into heaven, do you know what they asked? “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6). How could they ask that? After everything Jesus had done, they still thought Jesus was going to establish his own political kingdom on earth. Was that why Jesus had come? To rule here on earth? No way! It seems like one of the dumbest questions in the world.

Unfortunately, we get confused on the very same thing today. As a pastor, I’m concerned about the seemingly growing connection between Christianity and politics. We watch Jesus suffer, die, and rise to forgive the sins of the world. We hear Jesus say things like, “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36), and yet we act and talk as though politics—or a certain political party—are going to save us. Don’t agree with me? I see it too much, in too many places. “If you’re a Christian, you better vote for _________, you better support __________.” As if Jesus were a Republican or Democrat. He’s not! In fact, turning Jesus into just another politician is one of the best ways to turn people off from Jesus.

You know how Jesus answered his disciples? “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:7-8). Jesus had greater things on his mind than any political kingdom. He had greater plans for his disciples than establishing some political rule in Israel. What was his goal for them? “You will be my witnesses.” More than anything else, he wanted his disciples to go into the whole world and point people to their one and only Savior—Jesus Christ—who died and rose to give forgiveness and eternal life to all who believe.

Here’s what Christianity is about: Sharing the Gospel here and everywhere. Make that your focus. Make that your joy. As an American, you certainly have a right to have strong political views. Please know this: It’s very easy for your political views to turn people off from your witness to Jesus. Would you rather be known for your political views or for your Christian faith? It’s hard to do both without confusing them. Remember this: You’re true identity isn’t as a Republican or a Democrat. You’re a child of God who’s called to witness to Jesus. In a divided country, in a difficult time, in an election year, let’s point people to the one true Savior who transcends it all. Who has saved us from it all. “You will be my witnesses!

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